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When Does Anxiety Warrant Help From a Mental Health Professional?

When Does Anxiety Warrant Help From a Mental Health Professional?

Most of us have experienced anxiety, that uncomfortable feeling of fear and panic, often accompanied by excessive sweating, a rapid heartbeat, or hyperventilation. But if these symptoms are ongoing or impacting your quality of life, it’s time to seek professional help.

The Midwest Regional Health Services team in Omaha, Nebraska, are experts at helping patients identify, understand, and manage anxiety. They use a variety of evidence-based therapy tools to offer a safe, judgment-free environment, both in-person and via telehealth. The team treats children, teens, and adults of all ages.

In this post, know when to seek therapy for anxiety. 

Anxiety 101

Anxiety disorders are pervasive. About a third of American women and men suffer from an anxiety disorder at some point during their lives, according to the National Institute of Mental Health

Anxiety isn’t a single condition. There are many different types of anxiety disorders. 

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a broad form of anxiety that involves recurrent feelings of fear and worry about daily life activities and events. In contrast, other anxiety disorders — like separation anxiety, social anxiety, or phobias — are associated with more specific triggers.

Most people with anxiety disorders have at least some of these symptoms:

The severity and number of symptoms can vary from one person to another and even change over time.

When to seek treatment

Even “mild” anxiety symptoms can take a significant toll on your health and your quality of life. Many people find their anxiety makes it hard to focus at work or school, interferes with their relationships, or even prevents them from getting a healthy amount of sleep. 

If your anxiety symptoms are interfering with any aspect of your life, it’s time to seek treatment. 

The team at Midwest Regional Health will create a therapy plan specifically for you. Your therapist helps identify your anxiety triggers and develop coping and relaxation strategies. 

Don’t let anxiety control you

Untreated anxiety disorders often worsen and can lead to other mental health disorders, as well as physical health issues, such as headaches and chronic pain. Having an anxiety disorder does more than make you worry.

Anxiety disorders are medical concerns that benefit from professional care. To learn how we can help you manage your anxiety and improve your quality of life, call our Omaha, Nebraska, office today to schedule an appointment.

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